Sunday, July 29, 2012

Yellowstone National Park

Hi everyone, I hope you're enjoying your summer so far.  For our summer vacation this year we took a road trip to Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Tetons. We invited my parents to join us too.  Kevin and I both love photography and we got lots of practice taking photos of all the beauty surrounding us - we probably took a thousand pictures between the two of us.  Kevin's best friend loaned us his camera and all of his lenses! It was tough to whittle down the pictures, here are my very favorite ones.  You can check out more pictures on our Flickr Yellowstone - Jun '12 photo set.


Taun Taun at the Tetons
Yellowstone 4 016

Blue Skies
Yellowstone 4 034

Bear Activity

Birds Eye View

The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone
yellowstone 2 261

Beautiful Bison
yellowstone 1 059

Top of the Falls (Look carefully and you can see people standing at the overlook at the top of the falls)
yellowstone 2 126

1 comment:

  1. looks like you had fun. i love yellowstone. it's very beautiful there. lots of cool stuff to see that you can't really get anywhere else.
